EDCAP assists New Yorkers in navigating the complexities of the student loan system, whether dealing with federal or private education debt. As an independent, nonprofit one-stop shop, we offer free, personalized counseling at every stage of your college financing journey—from planning how to pay for school with minimal debt to managing existing loans and everything in between. Our student loan experts are dedicated to guiding you with your best interests in mind, no matter where you are on your path to achieving your educational goals.

We can help you:
Determine your best student loan repayment option;
Access loan forgiveness, cancellation, and discharge programs;
Apply for financial aid (FAFSA), consolidation, deferment, and forbearance;
Resolve issues with loan servicers and lenders;
Get out of default to prevent wage garnishments, social security offsets, and tax intercepts;
Develop a comprehensive plan and strategy to tackle your student debt;
Understand and compare financial aid offers and make a plan to go to college with less debt;
Refer you to other services and resources to address additional needs.
All of our services are free, confidential, and unbiased. Schedule a session today! You can learn more about our organization and who we are by clicking here.
See What Our Clients Have to Say
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